Friday, March 25, 2011

Picture overload! Look how the babies are growing!

Oh my goodness! I can't believe how long it has been since I posted last.  In all honesty we are busy!  Very busy!

We have some new exciting things we are working on.  My husband is officially launching a photography business.  Below you will find several pictures taken by him of our babies!  So proud of him!

I am currently working on also launching a business with my Mom.  Freckles and Firecrackers will be an online children's boutique (inspired by my red-headed-babies).  Featuring handmade crocheted hats by my Mom along with several other essential children's item!  Below you will find several of our hats!

All of these things combined with all the activity that comes with raising four young children keeps us running.  We are so excited for things to come.  I promise to TRY to get to the blog more.  The Tennessee Grandpa is NOT pleased with the lack of activity on Kaitlyn's Korner.  Sorry Dad!

To stay in touch with us on a daily basis find me on facebook, Jenee Skocelas Ross.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!  Kaitlyn at 19 months and Ty at 7 months!  I would love to hear your thoughts!


  1. Great job blair they are very nice pictures you are doing a great job keep it up:)

  2. BEAUTIFUL pictures - love the crocheted hats!!! the only thing better would have been and I.U. onesie instead of a michigan onesie :) at least it wasn't an ohio state onesie!!!

  3. Gorgeous pictures!! Love the onesie, wish I would've had an Illini one like that when my kids were that small. :) The crocheted hats are beautiful. You are one talented family!!

  4. Oh my gosh, I love your blog! I am Josh Lindeman's wife. He pointed me to your blog because I am a blog addict. I hope you don't mind, I just featured some of your cupcakes at!
