Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We've been keeping a secret...(and NO we are NOT pregnant)

Our beautiful little girl has been working so hard and making us SO PROUD!

Take a look at our secret!

She's walking!!!

It's been a slooooooow progression that started around Thanksgiving.  First it was 2 steps, then a week later 4 steps, and at 6 steps we hit a plateau.  Her SureSteps come in soon and I am convinced that having the ankle/foot support will help her to the next stage with her walking.  But last night something clicked.  She became a walking fool.  We are so very proud!

She's just 17 months old!
(take that Down syndrome statistics)

Below are some cute pictures of my babies!


  1. Wow Kaitlyn!! I am so very impressed. You are definitely defying the statistics for sure. My only complaint is that your poor mom probably could have been just fine with you waiting a little while to walk...she does kind of have her hands full you know :)

  2. That's awesome!! Way to go Kaitlyn!

  3. WOW!!!
    I think she looks like you there Jenee! ;)

  4. way to go kaitlyn! you need to tell miss maggie your secret ;)

  5. Way to go Kaitlyn!! Before long you will be running around with Gabriel and Isabella! Can't wait to see you in for our winter party!
